
on October 28, 2020 / by Downtown Dallas Inc. / in Blog Posts, Clean and Safe

October 28, 2020

DDI is working closely with law enforcement, private security directors and neighborhood partners to prepare for potential unrest tied to the national election. We are unaware of any credible threats and local officials predict a peaceful election in Dallas. DDI will deliver accurate, real-time information and advocate for the highest levels of safety for all in our community. I am sharing with you an overview of information and guidance we have to date*:

Many of you are understandably concerned about protecting your property, businesses, and employees. We encourage you to remain attuned to accurate information and have resources ready for activation. We do not want to create a perception of an “unsafe Downtown” by prematurely boarding or barricading property.  We have worked so hard to reopen Downtown, maintain confidence in the market, ensure safety for our community, and allow the heart of our city to be the epicenter of peaceful public discourse for all. We can all continue to cultivate a positive environment. 

To that end, you may have seen DDI’s recent “We Are Downtown” campaign, including pole banners, window graphics, and social media promotion, encouraging support of our businesses and inspiring community pride. Additional window graphics and signage are in production as we speak. We encourage you to work with our team to help spread this message.

All DDI management will continue to be active 24/7, communicating with law enforcement and private security, and remaining available to answer stakeholder calls immediately. 

We can’t predict the future, but we can influence the outcome by being alert, prepared, and positive.

Thank you for your continued dedication to Downtown Dallas.

Together, We are Downtown.

*This message contains information that has been confirmed as of 10/28/2020.  Please stay tuned to our communication channels for updates.

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