First Parklet from DDI Initiative Placed at City Tavern

on January 15, 2021 / by admin / in Blog Posts, DDI News, Dine and Drink, Parks and Public Space

Downtown Dallas, Inc. is excited to share the first temporary on-street parklet has been installed at City Tavern!  In the early stages of COVID-19, DDI worked directly with City of Dallas leadership, Council members, and staff to create a temporary parklet program. This work was an extension of past work done by DDI staff dating back to 2010.

With a long history in parklet design and construction, DDI helped ensure the program met the needs of not only businesses but the greater community. The temporary parklet program allows businesses throughout the City to utilize sidewalks and on street parking spaces for expanded outdoor dining or merchandise

DDI provides pro bono design, permitting help, and grants for businesses within the Downtown Improvement District interested in participating in the parklet program. The existing City Tavern parklet is an initial first phase that will continually be enhanced with the goal of a semi-permanent parklet installation deployed later in 2021. This will include a platform/deck to allow a seamless level from sidewalk into street.

We will continue to monitor and learn from this installation to enhance not only this parklet but also future parklets within Downtown.

Any business interested in participating can email Juan Galvan at galvan@downtowndallas.com.

You can find more info about the temporary parklet program here: https://dallascityhall.com/departments/office-special-events/Pages/Temporary-Parklet-Program.aspx

With the success of the temporary parklet program, DDI, along with other partners, worked with the City of Dallas to create a path for more permanent installations by creating the Street Seat Program that will launch in February of 2021.  More info on that program can be found here:  https://dallascityhall.com/departments/office-special-events/Pages/Dallas-Street-Seats.aspx

We appreciate the creative and quick response from The City of Dallas and our Downtown businesses as we continue to work on ensuring we collectively respond to impacts of COVID-19.

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