
on October 10, 2016 / by Downtown Dallas Inc. / in Blog Posts, Parks and Public Space

Accreditation Awarded at the 2016 National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Annual Conference

Media Contact:
C.C. Gonzalez-Kurz
Dallas Park and Recreation Department

DALLAS, October 7, 2016 — The Dallas Park and Recreation Department joins the ranks of elite park and recreation agencies across the country by earning national accreditation in the field of parks and recreation. The Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA) and the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) awarded the Department accreditation, after undergoing a rigorous accreditation process.

“Achieving accreditation has been a priority for our department for three years,” said Willis Winters, Dallas Park and Recreation Department Director. “We are honored to earn this distinction and want to express our gratitude to the Park and Recreation Board for their continued support and encouragement and to our employees for their hard work in elevating us to the top tier of departments and agencies in the nation.”

CAPRA only grants accreditation to a very select number of departments that have exhibited excellence in service and operations and adherence to national best practices as demonstrated by compliance with 151 standards of excellence.

Accreditation signifies that the Department utilizes national best practices in all facets of the organization from recreation programs to park maintenance standards to business operations. The accreditation process often helps identify efficiencies and heighten areas of accountability, all of which translate into higher quality service and operation to benefit the community.

“In March CAPRA representatives came to Dallas to conduct site visits of our parks, facilities and recreation centers,” said Winters. “They were able to see firsthand how we successfully provide service to the citizens of Dallas, how we efficiently operate as a department, and how committed we are to exceeding the highest standards in park and recreation.”

Less than 2 percent of agencies in the country have attained accreditation, including 10 departments in Texas. For more information about CAPRA accreditation, visit www.nrpa.org/CAPRA.


Dallas Park and Recreation Department is among the nation’s largest urban park systems. Its mission is to champion lifelong recreation and serve as responsible stewards of the city’s parks, trails, and open spaces. The department maintains 24,000 acres of park land and water, including 379 parks, 100 miles of trails, athletic complexes, and natural areas. It also manages recreation centers, golf courses, community pools, tennis centers and family attractions including: Bahama Beach Waterpark and Fair Park. For more information, visit www.DallasPark.org.

National Recreation and Park Association is a national not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing park, recreation and conservation efforts that enhance quality of life for all people. Through its network of more than 50,000 recreation and park professionals and citizens, NRPA encourages the promotion of healthy and active lifestyles, conservation initiatives and equitable access to parks and public space. For more information, visit www.nrpa.org. For digital access to NRPA’s flagship publication, Parks & Recreation, visit www.parksandrecreation.org.

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