
on May 22, 2012 / by Downtown Dallas Inc. / in Arts and Culture, Blog Posts, Clean and Safe, DDI News

Some called him a Downtown champion, others called him an artist and others will remember Jeff West as a savvy businessman. He was an active member of the DDI Board and Executive Committee. Here around the DDI office we will remember Jeff as the guy full of life. You always knew when Jeff was in the room. His laugh was contagious. He always seemed genuinely interested in what you had to say, he could always relate and he gave the best hugs around.

Jeff West worked behind the scenes for many years to better Downtown Dallas and improve the city’s arts. He died Monday at 54.  West’s work included 11 years as executive director of the Sixth Floor Museum and five years as managing director of the Dallas Theater Center. At the time of his death, he was working as vice-president at Matthews Southwest, the development company responsible for the Omni Dallas Convention Center Hotel.

West helped bring the American Film Institute brand to Dallas during the 3-year run of the AFI Dallas International Film Festival. That event is now known simply as the Dallas International Film Festival.

Downtown Dallas, Inc. President & CEO, John Crawford recalled West’s dedication to the city thru his work in numerous non-profits over the last 20 years in everything from the film festival to working to bring conventions to town.

“One of the marks of success is that you leave a place better than when you started.”  Crawford said.  “Jeff West accomplished that with all he did as an advocate for Downtown and the arts. It’s a sad day for all of us.”

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