District Focus: Dallas Farmers Market

on February 25, 2010 / by Downtown Dallas Inc. / in Blog Posts, Clean and Safe

I recently went down to the Dallas Farmers Market to see what they’ve been up to.  I spoke with Janel Leatherman, the Market Administrator, and Sol Calinao, Marketing and Public Relations Coordinator, who let me in on some upcoming happenings and reminded me of all the amazing things already there.  Below is a quick update on the happenings:

In closing, I’d like to point out my two favorite aspects of the market that I’m not sure many people realize.  First off, FREE PARKING and plenty of it!!  Second, it’s an incredible lunch spot – especially when the weather is beautiful!  Instead of waiting in line somewhere, try out the Dallas Farmers Market next time you can escape the office for lunch.  I promise you’ll be in and out fast, and there are plenty of delicious spots to choose from.

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