on November 24, 2010 / by Downtown Dallas Inc. / in Blog Posts, Clean and Safe, Doing Business, Economic Development and Planning
Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful for our many blessings and a time for me to think about all of you who day-in and day-out continue to make a difference in the progress being made Downtown. So, I want to take this moment to let you know how much I appreciate the opportunity to work with you, to say thank you for readily giving your time and resources in support of our mission to revitalize Downtown and for creating an environment to have some fun along the way (yep, fun is important, too!)
As the Holiday Season begins (kicked off in fine fashion Saturday night with City Lights at Main Street Garden and Neiman Marcus), here’s your thought to get the Season started: “You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late”; wish I could take credit for that thought but it was Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Please accept my best wishes for each of you to enjoy the simple and quite moments of Thanksgiving; a time for caring, sharing and giving thanks with your friends and family. And, of course, I would be remiss if I did not remind you that it’s never been truer than it is today: So Goes Downtown, So Goes Dallas, we have much to look forward to and the best is yet to come.
John Crawford
DDI President & CEO
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