Introducing DDI Board Member Kristi Sherrill Hoyl

on August 22, 2011 / by Downtown Dallas Inc. / in Blog Posts, DDI News

Kristi Sherrill Hoyl is the Vice President of External and Government Affairs for  Baylor Health Care System.  Baylor Health Care System is comprised of 27 hospitals, 69 outpatient facilities and 26 ambulatory surgery centers and through these outlets Baylor touches 1.4 million patients annually.  Baylor has reached a milestone of $5 billion in total assets and $4 billion in net revenue.

Ms. Hoyl is responsible for setting the legislative agenda and cultivating relations at the local, state and federal level of government as they relate to healthcare issues. Prior to 2004, Ms. Hoyl developed the Education is Freedom Foundation for 7-Eleven, Inc.  This national foundation focuses attention and financial support on hardworking students that otherwise would not have the opportunity to pursue a college education. Kristi also served as the chief of staff to the Mayor of Dallas.  Ms. Hoyl was selected as a Marshall Fellow and a British American Project Fellow.

Kristi is active in the Dallas community with the Dallas Citizens Council, North Texas Council of Government Board of Directors, Dallas Assembly, Cotton Bowl Athletic Association Board and Crystal Charity Ball.  She holds a Bachelor of Science and a Masters of Public Administration degree, both from Texas A&M University.  Kristi is married and has three children.

Did you know?

Kristi’s favorite Downtown destinations are the Arts District and Neiman Marcus.

Kristi is passionate about Downtown because it’s the heart and soul of the community.

Kristi’s favorite Downtown memory is going Downtown for the Children’s Christmas Parade with her daughter.  She says it is magical!  The Downtown streets are filled with happy families hoping to get a glimpse of Santa.  It is a wonderful start to the holiday season.

Kristi supports Downtown Dallas, Inc. because it focuses resources on building a better Downtown for work and play.

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