Downtown Dallas, Inc. Foundation 2024 Grants Program

The Downtown Dallas, Inc. Foundation 2024 Grant Program

The Downtown Dallas, Inc. Foundation (DDIF) is soliciting proposals for projects to improve public spaces throughout Downtown, especially those related to the arts, parks and kids, in an effort to supplement private investments that, in turn, enhance property values in Downtown. If selected, proposed projects will receive a grant from DDIF in an amount up to $300,000.

The DDIF board of directors is responsible for reviewing all submitted applications and selecting award recipients using the criteria listed below.

General Information

DDIF is seeking proposals for projects that will enhance public-facing spaces throughout Downtown. Projects must demonstrate public benefit and must result in tangible, permanent improvements.

All proposed projects must occur within the Downtown Improvement District boundaries (see below for map), and must be planned, constructed, completed, and maintained by the applicant. DDIF is not responsible for the completion of any proposed projects awarded grant funds. General operations and long-term maintenance of the project are the sole responsibility of the applicant.

If all or part of the proposed project is to be constructed on private property, the applicant must have the signed approval of the owner or owner's agent or specific evidence that such approval has been granted prior to the award of grant funds. Projects on public property may be submitted without formal approval of the relevant public agency, but the potential of obtaining such approval will be considered by DDIF.

All applicants will be required to indemnify Downtown Dallas, Inc. (DDI), DDIF and the City of Dallas against all claims. In addition, liability insurance for the applicant, landlord, and contractors (as appropriate) will be required for proposed construction projects. A Certificate of Liability Insurance must be submitted to DDIF listing DDI, DDIF and the City of Dallas as additional insured entities prior to the disbursement of grant funds.

DDIF will accept multiple proposals per year from each qualified applicant.

Qualified Applicants

Applications will be accepted from any Downtown stakeholder. Interested applicants should submit a letter of intent by July 31, 2024, with selected applicants invited to submit detailed proposals in August.

Design Requirements

Proposed projects must be consistent with the design guidelines found in the Urban Design Guidelines of the 360 Plan. Before commencing construction, projects may be required to undergo a design review with the City of Dallas and DDI.

Meeting Requirements

Applicant must agree to at minimum one (1) check-in/progress meeting (in person or virtual) with DDIF regarding the current status of their proposed project.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Proposed projects should comply with all federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations. The applicant shall obtain all required local, state, and federal permits prior to commencing construction. DDIF is not responsible for obtaining any required permits for the proposed project.

Grant Awards

Grant funds awarded by DDIF can be up to $300,000. This amount may be awarded to a single transformative project or divided among multiple projects, depending on the scope and impact of the proposals received. Costs covered by the grant include the actual costs of supplies, materials, construction, labor, and associated taxes. DDIF reserves the right to modify grant award amounts to meet program budget requirements; therefore, applicants may be offered an amount less than the total amount requested.

Projects must be completed no later than December 31, 2024. Extensions may be permitted for projects determined to be incomplete by the appropriate deadline. An amendment to the Grant Fulfillment Agreement must be signed by the applicant and DDIF in order for an extension period to be granted; the extension period will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Grant recipients will be required to display signage at the project site to denote DDIF’s financial contribution to the project. Signage will be provided by DDIF. In addition, grant recipients will be required to recognize DDIF as a financial partner in all project-related social media posts, electronic newsletters, or other means of communication to stakeholders on at least two occasions (1.) to announce the grant award and (2.) to announce the project’s completion).

Application Requirements

Phase 1: Letter of Intent

Submit a letter of intent by July 31, 2024, to express interest and outline your proposed project.

Phase 2: Full Proposal Invitation

In August, DDIF will invite selected applicants to submit a detailed proposal.

To be considered for an award, applicants must complete the application form, limiting responses to the space provided, except where additional materials are specifically requested. Complete proposals must contain all information and materials requested in the Proposal Contents Checklist (see below). Incomplete proposals will not be considered. Proposals will be reviewed for required documentation upon submittal; it is recommended that each proposal be submitted prior to the deadline to ensure that it is complete and will be accepted.

Proposals for the 2024 Matching Grants Program must be submitted by July 31, 2024. Proposals may be filled out online and emailed to Chelsea Herd, at

Proposal Contents Checklist

  • Complete 2024 Grants Program Application
  • Map of proposed project location
  • Signed approval from the owner (or agent) of property upon which the project will be constructed (if applicable)
  • Certificate of Liability Insurance
  • Budget Summary (to include job estimates or quotes, if available)
  • Copies of acquired permits and/or approvals (if applicable)
  • Color photographs of the project area
  • Schematic drawings of proposed project

Approval Process

All proposals will be submitted to the DDIF Board of Directors for review and final approval of grant award recipients. No Committee member with a vested interest in a proposal will be allowed to participate in discussions or votes concerning that proposal.

The Board will review all qualified proposals and make a final decision regarding grant recipients within one month of the application deadline. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or to approve only a portion of the requested funds.

Finalizing the Grant

Following grant approval, individual grant awards are considered pending until the applicant and DDIF sign a Grant Fulfillment Agreement. The Agreement will describe the project, the project budget, and the amount of funding awarded by DDIF. Upon execution of the Agreement, the grant is considered finalized and grant funds may be distributed based upon the conditions outlined in the Agreement.

For more information regarding the 2024 Grants Program, contact Amy Tharp,

About Downtown Dallas, Inc. Foundation
Downtown Dallas, Inc. (DDIF) is the 501(c)(3) charitable arm of Downtown Dallas, Inc. whose purpose is to help make the area in and around Downtown Dallas a more vibrant and livable place for both daytime and permanent residents by promoting the enhancement of parks and public spaces, diverse cultural, educational and recreational resources, and amenities.


Photo Credits Thomas Garza