on August 13, 2009 / by Downtown Dallas Inc. / in Blog Posts, DDI News
DOWNTOWNDALLAS took the step…finally! (as I’m sure some are thinking) and entered the blogging realm. With everything going on in and around Downtown Dallas and the urban development world, there is plenty to share and discuss. And frankly, there are some things that we could (and would like to) be educated about from our followers. From the Downtown resident to the employee that only comes down to work, there’s a stake in it for all of us.
We at DOWNTOWNDALLAS continue to strive to build a strong, diverse and vibrant urban core. This is no small task, as Dallas has never had a Downtown urban lifestyle/environment before outside of the commercial realm. Times, oh they are a-changin’.
Over the past 50 years our focus areas include: planning, transportation, development, maintenance, public safety, capital improvements, retail and office (recruitment and retention) and communications and events.
Here’s a little video about us and the momentum going on Downtown.
Posting will come from several of our staff members in our office that deal with these topics first-hand. We will be doing short introductions as we start posting more. Our first step.. let us know what you want to hear about and DON’T (sometimes more important) want to hear about.
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