on April 13, 2011 / by Downtown Dallas Inc. / in Blog Posts, DDI News

Here at the DDI World Headquarters, after 18 months of gestation, we are celebrating the birth of our golden child.
Just an hour ago the Dallas City Council adopted the Downtown Dallas 360 plan. Councilmember Pauline Medrano expressed great support for the plan, and DDI’s efforts (if I do say so). The motion for approval was made by Councilmember Angela Hunt, who praised the collaborative process of the plan’s creation, and challenged DDI to ensure this would not be (say it with me now), “another plan that’s put on a shelf”.
Indeed. For those who have perused the document (available at www.downtowndallas360.com), you will find an implementation matrix in the last chapter. This outlines the task, as well as the who, what, when and how much of every action item. So, what will you see first? Yes, some of those “Quick Wins”…
- In about three weeks you will see downtowndallas360.com transformed into a dynamic implementation tracking site. Here you can follow each task’s progress, as well as review various subsequent reports and provide comment.
- If you have not yet been introduced, DDI recently hired Dustin Bullard, ASLA , as our Cityscape and Urban Design Manager. From parks and plazas, to trees, benches, trash cans and pavers – if it’s in the public realm (or even breathes on the public realm) Dustin has his eye on it.
- Working closely with COD Public Works, the materials palette (pavers, benches, trash cans, etc) for the Main Street District is being integrated into current streetscape improvement projects on Main, Commerce and Akard.
- Check out more sample materials in a potted landscape test area in front of Third Rail Lofts – we have a contingent of volunteers in coordination with the EPA working on this project tomorrow.
Planter pot and contemporary bench for Main Street District (straight off the truck) - Street vending ordinance revisions are in process – the goal of which is to encourage a greater number and diversify offerings.
- The ordinance which governs supergraphics and video boards is also in the revision process, following the 360 recommendations for the Main Street Retail District.
- Watch for some bright, colorful moveable furniture coming to Pegasus Plaza this month (pictured above).
- Several DDI task forces will kick off next month, focused on specific larger-scale initiatives in the plan like addressing mobility, tunnels, workforce housing and parking.
And those are just a few… If you spend some time with the Implementation Matrix – you’ll soon understand why, instead of heading to the Tavern to celebrate right now, we’re right back here at hdqts…